60-minute Session
Service Description
Through her private company Light the Path, Lesley works one-on-one with clients (in-person, Skype, and phone) to support their spiritual healing and transformation. Sometimes people want to speak privately, in a one on one environment. She still takes individual telephone clients, though if someone needs to have a deeper level of therapy, it is better to work face to face with a local counselor. She helps individuals have a life which they can enjoy more fully, feel better about themselves and reduce the stress in their lives. Over the last twenty years, She has watched countless people use the tools to reorganize their priorities, feel more joyful, and achieve their personal and professional goals. Eventually, the gifts of self-knowledge and self-love help build a compassionate character. Life takes on a different rhythm when we are clearly manifesting our inner light.
Cancellation Policy
If you cancel at least 24 hours in advance, you'll receive a full refund within 24 hours. If you do not to cancel, you can reschedule your appointment for no additional fee within the next 30 days.
Contact Details